Introducing my ACOTAR-themed jewelry line!
Posted by Taylor Shelby on

Introducing Aurora Crystals
Posted by Taylor Shelby on
Over the next few months you'll start seeing a new type of stone used in my jewelry called "Aurora" crystals. I wanted to give some background and introduce you to these new offerings. In 2020, Swarovski announced that it would be discontinuing many of its production lines for loose stones and beads. I typically only use vintage Swarovski stones but this announcement meant that many of the vintage supplies on the market were quickly bought up and the supply has been significantly impacted. The good news is that new and existing brands are working to fill the void left by...
Shipping alerts to the UK, Australia, and New Zealand
Posted by Taylor Shelby on
United Kingdom: Because of a regulation change to due to Brexit in January 2021 we are unable to ship orders valued under 135 GBP without registering for a VAT license and processing VAT payments. This is an onerous process for a single-person business. Happily orders placed via our Etsy shop are not subject to the same regulations, so UK orders CAN be placed over there. If there are items that you wish to purchase that are not listed in the Etsy shop, please contact us with a list of the items you would like and a custom order can be set up for you. ...
Feeding America Fundraiser!
Posted by Taylor Shelby on

I've joined Team Feed to help end hunger in America. No one should go without a meal, yet Feeding America estimates over 54 million people in America will face hunger this year. I created this fundraiser to help provide these much needed meals to our neighbors through the Feeding America network of food banks and I'm asking you to join my in my cause. Each time we, as a team, raise $100 I will hold a drawing for a $25 gift certificate for people who have donated. One entry to the drawing is $5 and larger donation amounts get you...
Dames a la Mode on Youtube!
Posted by Taylor Shelby on

Did you know I have a Youtube channel? I do! I have been making videos about my sewing projects and costuming adventures. Take a look here: Are there any videos you would like to see me do in the future? Please leave a comment and let me know.